Buff and Shine DA Adaptor
Buff and Shine DA Adaptor
Order No. BFS-DA5816

List Price: $7.04Price: $6.39
Availability: Out of Stock
  • Generally there are two to three tools common to the detail process of buffing. That is the high speed buffer and the smaller random orbit buffers. There is also the larger random orbit buffer but they have only one way of attaching their drive pads and bonnets, so adaptors are not applicable.

  • The standard high-speed buffer has a male 5/8”x 11male-threaded spindle. In the case where a technician wants to buff with a double-sided wool pad, he would need an adaptor that would spin onto the aforementioned male spindle. We have the adaptor for this purpose. One end is female the other male. The male end spins into the middle of the double-sided pad and has a built in stop in order to prevent the thread from the adaptor to make contact with the buffing surface. In some parts of the world the high-speed buffer spindles can be 14mm or even 16mm threads. We only distribute the 5/8 x 11 adaptor; the metric adaptors must be outsourced at the local level. This has not caused a problem because any machine shop can make the appropriate metric adaptor with ease.

  • Thread Type Side 1: Male 5/8” x 11”

  • Thread Type side 2: Male 5/15”x 24”
  • Weight (lbs): 0.00
  • Case Quantity: CA