AUTEL Lane Departure Warning
AUTEL Lane Departure Warning

List Price: $2,064.58Add to Cart to See Price
Availability: Out of Stock
The LDWTARGET3 Expansion Package contains additional Lane Departure Warning (LDW) targets for use with Autel’s Standard ADAS Calibration System. Targets included in this package are the Hyundai Genesis LDW, Toyota One-Time-Recognition LDW, the Subaru LDW2, and the Alfa Romeo LDW. An Autel MaxiSYS ADAS tablet or a MaxiSYS tablet with ADAS software is required for use with the Autel’s ADAS Calibration System and these LDW targets. Targets are covered by a 1-year limited warranty.
  • Weight (lbs): 20.00
  • Case Quantity: EA
  • UPC Number: 84943800056720